PT. Broco Aerated Concrete Industry

Broco Mortar Project
Terminal 3 Bandara Soekarno Hatta Jakarta - Indonesia

Broco Mortar Project
MRT Bundaran HI Jakarta - Indonesia

Selection of an appropriate mortar helps to ensure durable brickwork that meets performance expectations. Mortar type and mortar material selection should consider multiple aspects of a project including design, brick or masonry materials, exposure and also required level of workmanship. Improper mortar selection may lead to lower performance of the finished project. Therefore, LeichtMix has wide variety of products to cater specific requirement. We have mortar for Facade, Flooring, Adhesive, and Specialty needs.
Stronger is not necessarily better, in fact the opposite is often true. Mortar selection should be based on properties such as durability and workability in addition to compressive strength. Quality is always be our main concerned. Therefore, we follow International Standards, such as ASTM, BSI, HDB as manufacturing guideline. With LeichtMix, the working process is much easier & faster, therefore greatly reducing time and provide better cost control. LeichtMix Premium Mortar is the right solution to build your projects faster, better, and stronger.
Our Premium Mortar Products
The Superiority of LeichtMix Premium Mortar
No doubt. LeichtMix Premium Mortar offers high quality of compressive & tensile strength and also smooth workability for faster construction.
More practical
Simply add water, LeichtMix Premium Mortar can be applied directly, on the walls to floor, less hassle. Just follow the instruction printed on packaging or in brochure.
Cleaner and More Tidy result
With LeichtMix Premium Mortar, your project will be cleaner, less wastage and making the finishing process faster with better result.
Cost Effective
In order to give you better cost control, LeichtMix Mortar offered data coverage area/ spread coverage per sack which printed on packaging or in brochure.
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